Taken at Makerere University, Kampala - Uganda.
Exclusive pictures for the World Bank Development Impact Blog

Fishermen at Ssese Islands - Uganda

Women’s coffee cooperative near Queen Elizabeth park - Uganda

Soroti, Ugandan election 2015. I remember asking the restaurant owner why she had calendars from different candidates, she said that she knew the father of one, and that she liked the other one

"I am a local chairperson LC1 in Mbarara. My work is to assist humans, no matter where they come from as long as they reside in my area - otherwise I direct them to the relevant zone. If people looking for jobs come to me, I give them a recommendation letter. I try to keep them out of the streets! Yet, one of the biggest problems in this town in relation to youth labour, is sport betting and gambling."

 Stone town, Zanzibar - Tanzania

Explaining a research game to farmers, Masaka - Uganda

Lake Mburo at night - Uganda